Upcoming Events
Come build with legos and create something that will be displayed in the Teen Department for a month!
For ages: 6-8yrs old or K-2nd grade
No need to read the book beforehand! Librarian K will read the book aloud while you color!
For ages 8-12yrs old
Pick up the book at the library and come discuss it with others while doing an activity.
Read The Camelot Code by Mari Mancusi
For kids in Kindergarten to 5th grade!
Explore and learn about Kentucky’s History, Art, and Culture.
Week 1 : Introductions to the project / Talk about Kentucky's Art, history, culture
Write short stories, work on your book, learn about different genres, and talk to others about writing
For ages: 3-4yrs old.
Caregivers with their children are invited to read, learn, play, sing, and explore together.
Siblings are welcome!
For kids in Kindergarten to 5th grade!
Explore and learn about Kentucky’s History, Art, and Culture.
Week 1 : Introductions to the project / Talk about Kentucky's Art, history, culture
The Village
Bring your baby or toddler. Connect with other parents while learning songs and doing activities you can enjoy with your child.
A Brief History of Geologic Time Dinosaurs are not just for kids. Take an adult view into the past.
We have mats; you bring the determination. Everyone is welcome!