Circulation Policy

Library Card Registration: The Spencer County Library is supported primarily by taxes paid by the residents of this county. Therefore, library-borrowing privileges are available at no additional charge to residents of Spencer County. Others may apply for borrowing privileges by paying the current fee established by the Board of Trustees.

Registration of Patrons

All residents of Spencer County are eligible to apply for a library card free of charge.

Non-residents who work in Spencer County or have children enrolled in Spencer County Schools are also eligible to apply for a library card free of charge. This privilege extends to patrons with a valid driver’s license displaying a current address or a driver’s license and a document for proof of current address. If a patron does not have a driver’s license, a photo ID and proof of address are required before being issued a library card. Parents must sign a statement of responsibility for children under the age of 14. The replacement cost of a lost card is $3.00.

Temporary Residents: Temporary Spencer County residents who wish to use the library must pay a yearly fee of $25.00 per person or $50.00 per family to obtain a library card. The fee is a contribution to the library in the place of paying taxes. A photo I.D. and proof of address, both temporary and permanent, are required. US Military Personnel will not be charged the temporary residents’ fee for library cards.

A maximum of 10 items may be borrowed on a library card. DVDs are limited to two per household per checkout. Magazines are limited to 5 per household per checkout. Recorded books are limited to 6 per checkout. Books are limited according to the number of other materials checked out, not to exceed ten (10) total items.

Circulation of Materials

The checkout period for library materials by registered borrowers is set as follows:

  • Books – two (2) weeks
  • Magazines/Periodicals – one (1) week
  • Recorded books – three (3) weeks
  • Interlibrary loan materials – two (2) weeks
  • DVDs* – 2 days or until the next day the library is open.

*DVDs may not be used for commercial purposes, and no admission may be charged. Patrons desiring DVDs with public performance rights will be referred to KDLA.

  • Hot Spots and Job Discovery Laptop Kits are not covered under this policy. Individual circulation policies are available for those materials.



A fine of .05 per day will be imposed for overdue books, recorded books, and magazines to a maximum of $3.00 per item. A fine of $1.00 per day will be imposed for each DVD to a maximum of $20.00 each.

If overdue materials are not returned and fees paid, the delinquent patron’s privileges will be revoked until the materials are returned and the fines paid.

Failure to return library materials upon written notification by the library will be interpreted to mean intent to deprive the library of its property and be subject to prosecution under KRS 514.030.

If the materials are not available for return, replacement costs will be charged. Patrons owing above $5 in fines will not be allowed to check out materials until those fines are paid. Patrons owing any fines on DVDs may not borrow others until those fines are paid.


Renewals may be made in person, by telephone, or through the online library catalog.

Materials may be renewed one time if not on reserve. Library materials that are checked out and appear on the reserve list may not be renewed as other patrons are waiting for those items.


Reserved materials will be circulated on a first-requested, first-served basis. If a reserved book is not picked up within seven (7) days after notification, the next person on the reserve list will be notified, or it will be returned to the shelves for circulation.

Lost/Damaged Library Materials

Materials lost or damaged beyond repair are the responsibility of the borrower. The borrower will be assessed the replacement cost of the item. Money paid for the lost materials may be reimbursed (minus the maximum fine) if the materials presumed lost are returned to the library (along with proof of payment) within two (2) months.


Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service the SCPL promotes to meet the reading needs of our

patrons. The library’s ability to borrow materials from other libraries at no cost to the patron will be explained when appropriate. It will include all information relating to the circulation of ILL materials. Items received through ILL shall be marked accordingly with a return date to the SCPL library. If a patron fails to pick up an ILL within five (5) days of notification, the item will be returned to the lending library. The lending library will set charges for lost or damaged interlibrary loan materials. Mailing charges may apply from the lending library.


Teacher/School Use

Teachers in public and private schools will be responsible for books checked out for classroom activities. Students may not check out books when visiting as a class.



The Spencer County Public Library Board of Trustees supports a policy of confidentiality with regard to circulation records identifying the names of library patrons. These records shall not be made available to any agency of federal, state or local government except under process order of subpoena, as may be authorized under the authority of federal, state or local law.


Revised: 7/10/2018

Spencer Co. Library Board of Trustees

Reviewed & Revised: 3/12/2024

Last Updated Date
Policy Audience
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