Patron Behavior Policy

PURPOSE: To protect the rights of individuals who are in the Library to use materials or services, to assist staff members in conducting Library business efficiently, and to preserve Library materials and facilities.

Library patrons are expected to use the Library, including its facilities, grounds, resources and materials, in a responsible, appropriate, and courteous manner. Illegal acts or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local laws, ordinances, or regulations are prohibited. Behavior that disturbs or infringes on the rights of other Library patrons and staff and which damages library materials and property is not permitted. This policy applies to patrons of all ages.


Actions prohibited include, but are not limited to:

Engaging in disorderly conduct, drunken, dangerous or threatening behavior, fighting or challenging to fight, running, or using offensive words which disturb or tend to disturb the peace or good order of the Library, and any other behavior that is disruptive to Library use

  • Blocking entryways, vestibules, book returns, restrooms, or other common areas
  • Refusing to comply with requests of any member of the Library staff to comply with Library policies
  • Using offensive or abusive language or acting or behaving disrespectfully toward a Library employee, volunteer, or patron
  • Any forms of harassment – physical, sexual, verbal, or visual – of Library patrons or staff. Harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations, impeding access to the building, stalking, and the like.
  • Displaying obscene or sexually explicit materials or Internet sites in violation of the Library’s Computer Use Policy
  • Excessive noise and other disturbances, such as overly loud conversation, laughter, cell phone use, or music that is disturbing to others, separate from an authorized library program
  • The library staff and this policy recognize that the children’s area of the library may be louder and have more commotion than the adult areas of the library. However, if a child is disruptive and cannot be quieted or calmed, the parent or caregiver must remove the child from the library.
  • Selling and/or soliciting for services, money, items, or signatures, except for library or library-related activities.
  • Nothing in this policy shall prohibit a person’s freedom of expression of his first amendment rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
  • Distributing or posting printed materials, literature, or other items not approved by the Library for use on library property.
  • Possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Smoking or other uses of tobacco and/or electronic smoking devices
  • Consuming food or beverages in non-designated areas
  • Not wearing shoes or shirts.
  • Bringing animals or pets into the Library (except for assistance animals or for specific Library programs)
  • Intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing any property belonging to the Library or a patron or employee
  • Removing Library materials from the premises without authorization through established lending procedures
  • Disruptive use of cell phones in the Library, i.e., loud alerts, ringing, alarms, or loud conversations.
  • Moving tables, chairs, or other furniture beyond ordinary use, without permission of Library staff
  • Leaving a child under 8 years of age unattended by a responsible person
  • Misuse of restrooms: Restrooms are for Library patrons and staff only. Smoking, changing of clothes, bathing, and hair-washing are not allowed.
  • Indecent exposure
  • Gambling.
  • Entering "staff only" areas without the permission of Library staff
  • Abuse of borrowing privileges


The Library reserves the right to:

  • inspect backpacks, book bags, satchels, and briefcases upon request. If permission is not granted, the library may contact the police
  • Limit the number of persons who may sit together at a single table or an arrangement of casual seating
  • Separate group members from one another or ask individuals to move from one area of the library to another or to leave the library.
  • Impose time limits on the continuous use of library resources, including reference materials and computer equipment

The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.



Failure to comply with this policy and/or the Library’s established rules, regulations, and procedures will result in a warning and may also result in exclusion from the Library for the day or specified period of time or permanently and/or in arrest.


Revised & Board Approved on: October 8, 2019

Last Updated Date
Policy Type
Policy Audience
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