Studio Meeting Room Policy

The Board of Trustees of the Spencer County Public Library extends to the community and the county the use of the Library Studio free of charge to any group of citizens with the following stipulations:

  1. All meetings must be open to the public.
  2. Library-sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling the use of the room.
  3. The Studio is available for any non-profit organization. Commercial activities are prohibited. Meetings of non-library organizations may not be held for purely social functions.
  4. Using the Studio to conduct regular business or hold office hours is prohibited.
  5. The Studio can be reserved up to two weeks in advance; walk-ins are also welcome. Patrons can schedule the room online or at the circulation desk. Studio use is limited to four hours a day. Reservations and walk-ins will be approved on a case-to-case basis.
  6. The number of attendees cannot exceed the maximum capacity of 12.
  7. Smoking is prohibited in the building and anywhere on the Library campus. The use of open flame is also prohibited on Library property.
  8. Approval to use Studio does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board, or the Library as an institution, of any group’s or individual’s policies or beliefs.
  9. Individuals booking the Studio must be at least 18 years old. The individual who signs the Studio request is responsible for supervising the group and room. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by adult sponsors who will be present at the designated time of the group’s arrival and remain until all members of the group have departed. There should be one adult for every five children, under 18, in the room.
  10. Groups using the Studio may not charge an admission fee without prior written permission from the Board of Trustees. Collection of regular dues at meetings of non-profit organizations are permitted without written approval.
  11. Doors should not be blocked at any time. No items are to be taped, tacked, stapled, nailed, or glued to the walls, windows, doors, floors, ceiling, or furniture. Members of any organization using the Studio will be responsible for leaving the room in the same condition in which it was found.
  12. If audio-visual equipment is needed, arrangements can be made during the online reservation or with a staff member before the day of the meeting. The Library will attempt to accommodate all requests but may be limited by the equipment and available space.
  13. No conduct disturbing regular library use or infringing on library rules is permitted.
  14. The Library Director is authorized to deny permission to use the Studio to any group that is disorderly or violates these regulations.
  15. Alcoholic beverages of all types are prohibited anywhere on library property.
  16. A copy of the Studio policy shall be given to each group using the Studio.
  17. In consideration for the use of the Studio, each organization agrees that:
    1. It will pay for all damage to any Spencer County Library Property resulting directly or indirectly from the conduct of any member, officer, employee, or agent of the organization or any of its members.
    2. It will hold harmless the Spencer County Public Library Board of Trustees and its employees from and against any and all liability which may be imposed upon them for any injury to persons or property caused by the organization or any person in connection with a meeting.
  18. It is understood that the Spencer County Public Library assumes no responsibility for any property placed in the library in connection with a meeting and that the Spencer County Public Library Board of Trustees and employees are hereby expressly released and discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons or property, which may be sustained because of room usage.
  19. The Library is not responsible for items left behind by patrons.
  20. Neither the name nor the address of the Spencer County Public Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.
  21. Except as a designation of location, the name of the Library may not be used in any publicity.
  22. The library reserves the right to cancel meetings for operational reasons or if an emergency exists. Groups should notify the Library of a meeting cancelation as early as possible.
  23. Promotion of illegal activities is not permitted.
  24. The library staff is not responsible for assisting those using the Studio or taking messages, except in an emergency. Furniture may not be brought into or removed from the Studio without library staff approval. If a group is unable to arrange the room as needed, special requests may be made at the time of the reservation.
  25. The person who reserves the room is responsible for replacing any lost or damaged Library equipment.
  26. The Studio may not be used by any organization outside of library open hours.
  27. The Studio closes and should be vacated 20 minutes before the library closing.
  28. This statement of policy is subject to amendment or exception at any time by the Spencer County Public Library Board of Trustees.


Adopted: 2017

Amended: 2019, 2021, 2024

Last Updated Date
Policy Type
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